Reference: SWC010
This sweet combo is the rich and tasteful sweet combo for all special occasions. It is a Rich, Delicious, Hyginically prepared and is a perfect choice to your dears to make them Happier on Birthdays, Festivals and on all Occasion.
We needed just a box of sweets for a picnic outside. As there was no time to spend shopping we decided to order the combo of Kaju Burfi and Anjeer Cutlet from OrderYourChoice.Com our usual online shop. Since I could order them any time of the day I ordered late at night. The sweets arrived at the right time and we were ready for the picnic. Although they arrived from a long distance the packing of the sweets were good.
Anjeer sweets are a favourite for my daughter and I wished to surprise her with the Kaju Burfi and Anjeer Cutlet combo at OrderYourChoice.com. I used their offer to get my sweet box beautifully gift wrapped and neatly addressed. It made me feel proud when my daughter admired the packing and the taste of the sweets was really great. That’s how easy it is with OYC to appreciate your family by gifting a box of their favourite sweets.