Reference: SWT134
Kaju Gujia is a rich and delicious mouth watering sweet made from good quality dryfruits and rich ingredients. It is a Rich, Delicious, Hyginically prepared and is a perfect choice to your dears to make them Happier on Birthdays, Festivals and on all Occasion.
My sister just loves to eat Kaju Gujias and therefore ordered them from OYC through net banking. I planned the delivery schedule so that it reached our house exactly on the day of Raksha Bandan. I did not want any disappointments and hence ordered one day in advance keeping the festival rush in mind. To my satisfaction they were delivered at the right time and I in turn pampered my loving sister furthermore strengthening our bonds.
Most of the buyers wish to get the best sweets yet at unimaginably less prices and I am not an exception to this fact. Hence I am a big fan of OYC and their sweets. Three week’s back too I visited the webpage and selected the half a kg Kaju Gujia pack and got it delivered at my doorstep without spending money on travel and packing. I even made use of the discount coupon and enjoyed my sweet treats without any guilt or regret.