Fair Roses Bouquet

Fair Roses Bouquet

Reference: OYCFL018

Tax excluded

This is an enthralling arrangement of 24 white roses which will rightly uphold the spirit of any occasion. Beautifully arranged in a bouquet, coupled with
gysophila, the collection of flowers will entice your dear ones in India  and add some more spark to the occasion.


Available - Please see the list of Cities

This is an enthralling arrangement of 24 white roses which will rightly uphold the spirit of any occasion. Beautifully arranged in a bouquet, coupled with
gysophila, the collection of flowers will entice your dear ones in India  and add some more spark to the occasion.

Sending  Beautifully arranged 24 White Roses in a bouquet, coupled with gysophila, the collection of flowers is a perfect gifts to your dear's on Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding to   India through OrderYourChoice

- Delivery available  to Selected Cities (Please see the list of Cities where the Flowers will be delivered)
- Schedule date delivery available for the above product (Please indicate your delivery date in the gift message)
- Require 2 days Advance Order
- Flowers are sourced locally at the delivery location & will be hand Delivered anytime between 8AM to 8PM on the specified date.
- The image displayed in indicative in nature,actual product may vary in shape or design as per the availability, but we always try to send exact products.